Monday, October 19, 2020

What Baking Has Taught Me

I’ve been baking since late last year, around November 2019 and starting with a simple oatmeal cookie. At that time, I was looking and thinking of ways on how to earn money, as I waited for God to answer my prayer of having a job. 

Allow me to take you back a few months prior.

I've been enjoying my work as a secretary in one of the 5-star hotels here in Abu Dhabi. Then one unusual day came into my life. The position that I am in is no longer needed, which puts me in a place that I have to make a decision. 

I was shaken and I allowed fear to creep in at that moment.

I prayed for wisdom and direction as this unforeseen situation will change the course of my stay here in Abu Dhabi.

It is like you are on a crossroad, thinking and choosing which way to go and which would benefit me the most. It’s like choosing between comfort and adventure. 

I chose the later, facing an adventure, travelling the uncharted seas with the unknown future up ahead. Leaving a company that I worked for and falling in love with the job I had for the last 5 years was a bittersweet moment, but I know that everything works together for the good of those who love Him.

From that day forward, I decided to trust my unknown future to a God who is unchanging, all powerful and all knowing, that everything that happened for the last few months are part of a bigger, better and a greater plan that He has in, for and through me.

Fast forward to this day, I am currently enjoying the new season where I am in. Being employed for the last 3 months, I have to adapt to the changes that come along with it. Challenging at times, yet fulfilling, the journey allowed me to learn and grow in knowledge of the new field. 

Also, this season helped me to know myself better, reinforcing what matters most and realigning my focus to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. 

During the waiting period, I tried to discover ways on how I can utilize the resources I have on hand. My curiosity in baking grew as it was the current trend at that moment. I used my time to think and research on how I can enter the baking bandwagon, considering the products being sold and how I can stand out. 

Having said that, I have several items on my menu, ranging from oatmeal cookies, muffins, crinkles and cheesecake. 

The whole process has helped me a lot in different aspects and taught me a lot of things:

  1. Baking taught me on how to be a good steward

With limited financial resources on hand, I have to make most out of it because every single dirham counts at that moment. I have to be wise in making purchases, prioritizing needs over wants.

“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”- Luke 16:10

Even though I wanted to buy things for my own, I have to consider first the necessities such as my rent payment and food allowances. I have to prioritize and make most out of what I currently have at that time.

Baking made me realize that everything matters.

  1. Baking taught me to wait patiently

Not only with money, baking taught me the value of time and all the aspects that come along with it. 

Baking cannot be done in an instant. You have to wait patiently while your muffin is inside the oven. Varying from 20 minutes to an hour, baked goods have different cooking time. 

And that goes the same in our lives. There are some points in our lives that we waited for 20 minutes, probably for the bus to arrive. Some for an hour or so for something to arrive or to be fixed. But for others and in some instances, they waited for quite some time. 

I experienced a kind of waiting like I never had before. Waiting for 13 months is not that easy, but what I know that my waiting is part of God’s better plan for me.

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." -Exodus 14:14

Waiting can be tough, especially if you cannot see immediate or concrete results while waiting and the reason why you are waiting. 13 months of waiting can be long, but what made it bearable is His presence and the people He brought into my life during that season.

Baking made me realize and see that there is beauty in waiting. 

  1. Baking taught me to enjoy every moment of the process.

Baking is a process in itself. From studying the recipe, preparing the ingredients and putting it inside the oven, it will really take a lot of time, effort and energy to produce a delicious dessert or a baked product. 

But where can you find enjoyment in all these things? How will you enjoy in the midst of these so-called processes? 

It is in the sense of fulfillment when you see the output, a bread that’s soft and tastes good; or a cake that’s fluffy and not that sweet. Yes, there would be a couple of times that you have to try in order to have the best products you could have.

Our experiences in  life are pretty much like baking. In order to be  the best versions of ourselves, we need to undergo a lot of processes. 

For a bread to rise beautifully, the yeast in it should be properly rested. Maybe you have to rest well enough that in His proper time, you will rise and soar with wings like eagles, who will not grow weary. 

In the months that I have been waiting, it cost me a lot of time. But I did not stop there. I used the time given to me to relearn skills, to hone existing skills and to evaluate if these things can really help me in moving forward and I enjoyed the whole process I went through. 

And if there is one thing that I learned during this season is trusting the process. The 13 months of waiting may cost me a lot, but what helped me the most is looking at it in a perspective, in the lenses of faith and gratitude. It changed the game and made me gaze on the beauty of His love, grace and His character.