Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just Turned 21

I just recently turned 21. With that, I said to myself that it’s going to be different this year. As I prepare for what God has planned in my life, there are many things to be changed; things that should be kept and things to be thrown away.

While I was thinking of what subject of my blog for my birthday this year, few things made up my list. Things to be grateful for, events and things to look forward to, and people who helped we to get where I’m standing right now are among the topic on top of my list. These topics were the same topic for the birthday blogs I had before.

In as much as I wanted to write a different birthday blog this time and no matter how hard I think, it really narrow down to the three topics I have mentioned earlier. But don’t worry, I’ll try my best to write a blog, with those three topics, with a different attack and that would not take much of your time.

I remembered one comment from my birthday blog when I was 19. It focused on a part of Psalm 139.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13 – 16 (NIV)

I was born with an extra finger on my left hand, particularly on the thumb. Growing with this, some people tease me (way back when I was in elementary). Others said that it would bring me luck. Others would be in shock when they see it. Regarding the ‘luck’ factor, it seems so true when I was growing up.

I was raised to be an achiever. From the moment I entered school, I was consistent on the list of students who exceled academically. And as my journey in the academic world ended last May 2011, I finished with Latin honors.

I was saved when I was a sophomore college student. It was a man named Aries, who introduced God to me. After that encounter, my life was never the same. Though hardships came along the way, it was God’s grace that helped me make it through the test. In times of triumph over battles, God has been my companion.

I feel so blessed when I’m thinking of the things that happened to me, whether good or bad, in the areas of health, finances, academics and career, all happened in God’s perfect timing. I can’t help myself to thank God and praise Him for everything.

In between those events, I’ve met lots of people from different walks of life. All of whom I owe a lot. They have been at my side, as an inspiration, an adviser, a mentor and a friend who motivates challenges and prays with me. Each has been a great part on each season in my life.

Though this was blog was short, I hope that I’ve shared enough.

As I end, I just want to leave with few nuggets I learned since I started walking with God:

As I was thinking of my parting words for this blog, everything flashed back. The time when I first encountered Christ until to this very date, four words came into my mind: Perseverance, Faith, Hope and Excellence. These four words are, for me, key principles that help me to win over battles in different areas of my life.

·         Persevering not ceasing
In spite of your tasks and responsibilities you have, and you see the world as a great hindrance in accomplishing those tasks, would you still continue or just raise the white flag signalling your surrender?

·         Faith not doubt; Hope not despair
When everything does not come your way, or rather when you don’t get what you wanted, would you trust Him that what is happening to you will lead you to a better future? Would you still believe that what’s happening to you will turn out for God’s best?

Excellence comes when you have the three (perseverance, faith and hope). You may not be in a job where you planned after graduation, or in a situation you do not want, remember that God is working something for you. The process may take too long. Never cease, never surrender. God is with you.

I am sorry that my take home might sound arrogant, boastful, or too controversial. I hope and pray that I was able to share something out of my experiences.

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