Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Basecamp

It’s been 2 months since a new season has started. A new season of waiting.


It was last May 9 when I had my last working day at the company I used to work with.


I am not new in this type of season as I have been in this particular season of waiting twice already, one was last 2019 (for 13 months) and last 2022 (for 5 months). Both were seasons of waiting for a new job opportunity in this part of the world.


It may seem that this may be a repeat of the previous seasons of waiting I had, but this time I will trust God more above everything else, surrendering my plans to Him.


5 Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. 6 With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (ERV)


I am treating this season as a soft reboot of myself, aligning and recalibrating myself, aligning what I have with God in order to be ready on what He has prepared for me.


I was reminded of the preparation of mountaineers, particularly if they plan to climb the summit of Mt. Everest.


The basecamp refers to both the individual and group camps. This is the place where the mountaineers and the Sherpa can count on getting rest as they prepare and make their summit bid. The basecamp also serves as the place where food is stored and they can prepare their gears before heading up.


The season where I am in right now is my basecamp for the next season that God has already prepared for me. A season and a place where I really have to prepare and maximize the time and the resources that God has blessed me with.


As I look forward to what God has prepared for me, I look back on the seasons that God allowed me to experience and the following are the things that I learned and remembered so far:


(1)  Be a good steward of the resources He has entrusted to us

God had pointed me to this thought again when I entered this season of waiting for the 3rd time. And I will carry this no matter what season where I am as it helped me to be a better person each time.

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

Luke 16:10 (NLT)


(2)   Be more patient and depend on God even more.

The more that we wait, that’s the time that we need to depend on God even more. Our prayers might not be answered on the time that we are expecting it to happen, but we need to trust God’s timing.


Sometimes, the season we are in might consume us in ways we have never experienced before. It may overwhelm us for quite some time and can cause us to feel anxiety and doubt, if you can make it through where you are.


During our waiting, God is working and in each season allows us to see who God is in our lives.


Our seasons may change, but we still have the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow.